REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS: Baseline Study for SCP Lao project
- Swisscontact
- May 13, 2024
- 9 months ago
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS: Baseline Study for SCP Lao project
April 2024
This request for proposal (RfP) contains:
– Guidelines for consultants to submit proposal
– Annex 1: Terms of Reference (ToR)
– Annex 2: Guiding questions and Logframe Indicators
– Annex 3: Reporting requirements
I. General
This Request for Proposal (RfP) refers to the Terms of Reference (ToR) which outlines in detail Background
and Rational, Objective, Scope, Specific Tasks, Deliverables, etc. of the work to be done under the baseline
study and is the basis for applicants to respond to this RfP and submit their proposal.
These guidelines shall ensure uniformity of proposals submitted and conformity with Swisscontact
II. Eligible applicants
Eligible are applicants (individuals/ consortium/ organization) with an appropriate setup (fully equipped
with physical facilities and competent team members) to conduct this task. The consultants must be
knowledgeable about the target groups and theme as stated in the ToR, survey techniques, and have a
good track record of having conducted such surveys or similar surveys of this size during the past 5 years.
Eligible applicants will be approached by Swisscontact under a closed tender process.
III. Content of the proposal
The language of the proposal is English. The proposal must be submitted in Microsoft Word, maximum 10
pages A4, font size Calibri 11, Standard Margin and 1.5-line spacing excluding cover page and annexes.
The main part of the proposal shall cover and be structured as follows:
The main part of the proposal shall cover and be structured as follows:
- Background / Introduction
- Description of the understanding of the applicant of the task at hand. Suggestions to variations in the proposed ToR.
- Proposed approach to undertake the study.
- Set-up of the survey team, its members’ qualification and relevant track record, and their role in the study.
- Set-up of the survey team, its members’ qualification and relevant track record, and their role in the study.
- Budget structure as follows:
- Person days with professional fees for each staff assigned.
- Support services (office, communication)
- Budget for external activities (e.g. for field work, travel)
IV. Deliverables and deadlines
- Request for proposal out by date on 13 May 2024
- Clarification of ToR with the Project, focal person Dyan Barutzki: on 20 May 2024
- Final proposal submitted to the Project by date: 27 May 2024
- Selection of applicant (service provider): 30 June 2024