- HPP Laos
- October 11, 2023
- 11 months ago
HPP Laos needs a Consultant report writer to elaborate on the final report of a three-year project implemented by Humana People to People Laos.
The expected deliverable is a report in English containing of at least the following items:
- Executive summary
- Brief project background and problem context
- Set out the project implementation experience and results (outcomes and outputs)
- Substantiation of project results, e.g., M&E findings, surveys, case studies, etc.
- The strengths and weaknesses of the project implementation with an emphasis on the lessons learned.
- Summarize challenges and issues during project implementation.
All materials concerning the implementation of the project, such as project description, approved quarterly reports, project results, surveys, etc., elaborated during the project, will be at the disposal of the Consultant as the basis for the report writing.
In terms of the size of the report, suggest a concise 20-25 pages for the main body of the report, plus appendixes.
The independent Consultant will be recruited by a committee composed of the Country Representative, the Project Supervisor, and the Grant Administrator.
The committee will select the Consultant Report Writer based on an assessment of:
- Skills and academic level of the Consultant
- Experiences in and demonstration of similar work
- Availability and respect of the deadline
- References
All bids must be received by close of day October 17th, 2023, by email submission at with cc to Decision will be made, and applicants informed by close of day October 20th, 2023.
Contact Details
Contact Person: Inger Damkjaer