AHAN Land Use Mapping, Natural Resource Management Planning and Disaster Risk Reduction Consultancy
- December 10, 2020
- 4 years ago
- Project Overview
World Vision in Lao PDR (WVL) is leading a consortium of partners to implement the Accelerating Health Agriculture and Nutrition (AHAN) Project, funded under pillar three of the European Union’s (EU) Partnership for Improved Nutrition in Lao PDR. Implementation until 2021 targets 12 districts across three southern provinces, supporting 10 villages per district:
- Savannakhet: Phine, Sepone, Thapanthong, Phalanxay, Atsaphone and Xonobuly;
- Saravan: Saravane, Ta Oi, Toomlarn and Lao Ngarm; and
- Attapeu: Xaysetha and Samakkhixay.
The AHAN Project aims to create supportive conditions for enhanced household (HH) nutrition through the following outcomes (Sub-Objectives):
- SO1: Improved access to and availability of sufficient and/or diverse foods year round;
- SO2: Improved dietary and care practices among Women of Reproductive Age and Child U5;
- SO3: Reduced incidence of selected Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) related diseases/illnesses
linked to undernutrition; - SO4: Improved gender equitable relations at the household level, particularly in decision-making and
distribution of workload; and - SO5: Strengthened multi-sector coordination and support for nutrition.
Participatory land use mapping (PLUM) and natural resource management planning (NRMP) are among the activities under SO1 that will contribute to preventing and improving malnutrition by improving availability of non-timber forest products (NTFP) to target villages and by safeguarding their households against household food insecurity.. Given the importance of NTFPs to household dietary diversity and resilience, implementation of PLUM and NRMP will also include training on the conservation and sustainable hunting/gathering of NTFPs, and households’ participation in land use mapping to support development of village bi-laws that will regulate utilization as well as prevent exploitation. Plans will also be shared with stakeholders to facilitate potential UXO clearance and improve land availability.
Land use mapping and NRM planning is also expected to improve households’ access to natural resources including forest and land since NTFPs represent an important livelihood and resilience strategy in Lao PDR, which contribute to household income and buffer against food shortages during the ‘lean’ season and following external shocks. The natural resource management planning will strengthen the resilience of communities directly depending on the natural resources provided by local ecosystems. The conditions and factors that limits natural resource access and damages to ecosystems reduces the capacity of ecosystems to provide important services to communities, such as food, firewood, medicines and protection from natural hazards
- Purpose of the Consultancy
The aim of this consultancy is to provide a snapshot of land use at target provinces through a rapid assessment of selected villages representing the project’s 12 districts, and then use this information to contextualize the participatory land use mapping (PLUM) and natural resource management planning (NRMP) tools that AHAN will be using.
The Consultant will plan, consult and work closely with the AHAN Economic Development Adviser, and the WV Technical Specialist for Livelihood and Agriculture to conduct the following:
- Review AHAN’s ongoing land use mapping and development of natural resource management plans, and provide recommendations to improve them
- Map potential UXO sites at selected villages for AHAN to initiate clearing discussions with related agencies. It is anticipated that by this process, communities will identify, based on local knowledge, the presence and location of existing UXO ‘hot spots’.
- Explore the factors and conditions that strengthens resilience from natural hazards and affects land use and produce land use mapping and develop DRR plans in 6 villages (3 provinces) as a pilot, with a case study in Xonnabuly District to illustrate synergy with an ongoing ECHO disaster response project. The consultant shall also ensure all other villages have drafted DRR plans by working closely with WV/AHAN Economic & livelihood specialist, and Emergency Response focal point.
- Present rapid assessment findings and potential land use issues, utilisation and exploitation of NR including NTFP, at 3 workshops in 3 provinces
- Support project to develop 120 village natural resource management plans, and the formation of village by-laws relating to the use of land and other natural resources including forests and waterways.
- Draft land use messages and plans for 120 villages, which will be publicly displayed in each village
The final products of these discussions will be the development of village natural resource management plans, and the formation of village by-laws relating to the use of land and other natural resources, including forests and waterways, at target villages. Preferably, these are practical local guidelines that the villagers can implement.
- Scope of work, Deliverables, Timeline
The AHAN Program will engage a service provider to undertake the following tasks from January to March 2021.
A. Update timeline and review of literature obtain the most recent maps of target village(s) in terms of geography and topography that will guide the selection of villages to be assessed
1. Updated timeline
2. Area maps
3. List of villages to be assessed
B. Develop data collection tool
4. Qualitative data and other suggested tools
C. Review and update PLUM and NRMP tools utilized by AHAN, based on rapid assessment results; and recommend improvements in the project’s current use of the tools, in consultation with partners (P/DAFO, P/DONRE)
5. Updated PLUM and NRMP tools
6. Updated village land use maps (sampled)
7. UXO map
8. DRR plan for 6 pilot villages in Xonnabuly District
9. Presentation to AHAN team
D. Map potential UXO sites and vulnerabilities to natural disasters, and develop DRR plans ( Community Based Disaster Preparedness Plans) in 6 pilot villages in Xonnabuly District
E. Data analysis and presentation outputs / findings
F. Consolidate feedback and finalize PLUM and NRMP tools
10. Final PLUM and NRMP tools, and village maps
G. Write report and feedback by AHAN project team
11. Draft and final report
H. Submit final versions of tools, maps and report
12. Final versions
I. Develop DRR plans
13. 120 DRR plans
J. Support development of land use maps
14. 120 land use maps
K. Develop messages for managing natural resources
15. NRM messages
L. Support development of NRM plans
16. 120 NRM plans
- Qualifications
- Appropriate university degree in a related field (Agriculture, Soil Science, Engineering etc); a master’s degree will be an advantage
- Practical experience about agricultural practices in Laos, including land use analysis
- Demonstrated technical knowledge and experience in PLUM, NRMP and PRA
- Knowledge about NTFP production and use, and economic potential will be an advantage
- Spoken Lao language capability, including southern ethnic languages (in Laos), will be an advantage
- Experience in conducting similar studies with local ethnic groups in Laos or in the Mekong region preferred
- Application
Interested individuals are requested to submit an expression of interest, including:
- Technical proposal
- Indicative timeline
- Indicative budget of USD 30,000 maximum, excluding travel costs and accommodation during field work (e.g. vehicle rental), and supplies
All applicants must send their applications to wvlao_application@wvi.org.
The deadline for application is 14 December 2020. Selected consultant will have a maximum of two- four months from the official start date to complete all deliverables. This is however subjected to extension based on both parties agreement.