World Education Laos

Request for Quotations (RFQ)
Bidding for Four (4) vehicles for the Okard Project
World Education Laos is dedicated to working through a participatory and multi-disciplinary approach to engage and empower communities, families, and individuals through programs in education, health, mine action, and economic development, that are designed to build capacity, promote self-sufficiency, and increase inclusion of all persons in Lao PDR.
Objectives and deliverables
The ‘Okard: Capacity Strengthening on Disability Inclusive Development Project’ and the ‘Okard: Capacity Strengthening on Rehabilitation Project’, both implemented by World Education, are looking for a supplier to provide vehicles (4 units) for the project implementation.
How to apply:
Please review the bidding documents (Request for Quotations RFQ) here:
Closing Date for Questions: 9 August 2024 by 5pm (GMT+7)/Lao
Submission of Quotations: Quotation and supporting documents must be submitted in hard copy in a sealed envelope or by e-mail. Please note the RFQ number (USAID Okard-2-2024) in your submission.
Deadline for Receipt of Quotations: 20 August 2024 by 5pm (GMT+7)/Lao
Submission Address:
World Education Laos, Phiawat Village, Sisattanak District, Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR.
Tel: +856.21.214.524
Email: weilaos@worlded.org
Point of Contact: Thongchanh Landsy, Deputy Project Manager