Consultant_development of the training

Humanity & Inclusion


Vientiane Capital
Type of Position:
Contract Duration:
18 days
Type of Organization:
National/International Position:
Not specified
Application Deadline:


Consultancy_ on development of the training video for the census field staff on WG Questions set.

The overall goal of the Okard Activity is to improve and sustain the independent living and functional ability of persons with disabilities, regardless of factors such as age, sex, or ethnicity, and their households in Lao PDR. One of the components of the Okard project is expected to contribute to improve the leadership and functioning of the National Committee for Persons with Disabilities (NCPD) in collecting disability-related data to implement disability-inclusive policies and programs.

Humanity & Inclusion (HI) is providing technical assistance to NCPD under the Okard project to collaborate with the Lao Statistics Bureau for the training of the 2025 Census field staff on administration of the WG short set of questions. With an objective to enhance the understanding of the census field staff on identifying functional difficulties of citizens at the household level and to administer the questions in accordance with the guidelines of the Washington Group, it is proposed to develop a training video to assist the field staff on the WG set of questions incorporated in the draft 2025 census questionnaire.

Description of the expected service:

  1. To develop the 20 minutes (2 videos of 10 minutes duration) which shows actors acting like enumerators and asking census questionnaires to identify the prevalence of disability.
  2. To enhance the understanding of the census field staff on identifying functional difficulties of citizens at the household level and to administer the questions in accordance with the guidelines of the Washington Group.
  3. The video will be shown to the enumerators by the government as part of the census training.

Required Consultant profile:

  • HI is looking for individual consultant or a firm with qualifications and experience, to produce a video spot as requested in this ToR;
  • Must be a legal entity.
  • Experience in similar work is desirable.

Required document for submission the proposal:

Interested service providers, please submit your application as follow:

  • a cover letter / motivation letter
  • the proposed technical proposal including the work plan and budget plan
  • Some samples of Videos


The deadline for the submission of the application is not later than 18 April 2024, to the e-mail address

Contact Details

Contact Person:
Ms. Khomvanh SAYARATH

Additional Information


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