Consultancy on CSA Training Modules Deve
Oxfam Laos

- Project background
The project implementation approach aims to strengthen the capacities of target groups (CSOs, CBOs and Local; Authority) to i) enhance knowledge on CSA and disseminate CSA practices for vulnerable local farmers communities, and develop targeted value chains promoting equitable trade ii) empower CSOs and CBOs to advocate for and contribute to policy changes, enabling CSA mainstreaming in Lao agrifood systems, improved livelihoods for small-scale marginalised farmer communities, and inclusively contributing to secure long term climate adaptation and mitigation, green growth, and food security in Lao PDR. The bottom-up approach aims to direct interactions between the community level and the national level to ensure that the results achieved are always scaled up while aligning with the real needs of target communities. A feminist and inclusive approach will ensure that women, persons with disabilities and ethnic minorities, feel safe to participate in community level activities and women’s perspectives and experiences are taken into account in decision-making processes.
Objectives of the project
The Overall Objective is to foster inclusive, sustainable, climate-adapted agricultural growth in Laos.
This will be achieved through one Specific Objective : increased sustainable production and productivity of inclusive (women and youth) climate smart agriculture (CSA) in – Luang Prabang and Savannakhet provinces in Laos.
Expected outputs
Output 1.1 – Strengthened organisational, thematic and networking capacities and opportunities of national and local CSOs to engage, advocate and influence policymakers and the private sector to advance CSA inclusive practices.
Output 1.2 – Increased availability of up-to-date knowledge, models and evidence-based data on CSA to improve farmers’ value chains and influence policymakers and the private sector.
Output 1.3 – Strengthened capacities of local vulnerable smallholder farmers to use inclusive (women and youth) innovative farming practices and CSA value chains.
Output 1.4 – Enhanced capacities of line ministries (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment), provincial and local authorities, the private sector and the public to engage and support inclusive (women and youth) CSA strategies.
- Objectives of the consultant
The primary objective of this assignment is to design and develop a training module that:
- Design practical training curricula tailored to the specific needs of farmers and CSOs.
- Incorporate actionable insights and knowledge on CSA practices into the training module.
- Align the training modules with local and national agricultural policies, climate adaptation strategies, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
- Embed cross-cutting themes such as gender equity, indigenous knowledge, and environmental sustainability.
- Develop facilitator guides, participants manuals, case studies, and interactive tools, including visuals, videos, and group activities, to enhance engagement and learning.
- Incorporate hands-on demonstrations and real-life examples to support the practical application of CSA practices.
- Empower farmers with the skills needed to adopt CSA techniques that improve productivity, resilience, and environmental well-being.
- Scope of Work
The consultant will have to include the following topics in relation to CSA practises and development in the Laos local context.
1. Basic concepts and knowledge about climate change and its impact in local context
4. Processing
· Post harvest pre-processing
· Processing product
2. Soil improvement & Water management,
· Soil improvement
· Water management
5. Market
· Market information
· Market access
· Consumer trend
· Online and Offline Agriculture marketing
· Consumers’ perception to sustainable agriculture products
3. Inputs
· Producing input: compost, Liquid fertilizer, Biopesticides
· Proper use of agro-chemical
· Impacts of chemical fertilizer, pesticides & herbicide
· Seed keeping in good quality for farming use and commercial purpose
6. Organizational & management
· Farmer group management + Farmer Feed School
· Production planning
· Production cost calculation
· Value chain management
· Supply chain management
7. Production
· Integrated Pest management
· Plant/variety improvement
· Specific crops technique (onions, tomatoes, garlic, etc.)
- Indicative Work Plan Steps
Review and Approvals
Inception report : submission of a detailed and validated approach, methodology, work plan and the right identified technical resources
Training Developer, Oxfam and NAFRI
5 days
Draft Training Modules: propose comprehensive training materials for review incorporating adequate resources
Training Developer, Oxfam and NAFRI
30 days, 1 day by 1 training module. The consultant can hire any right resource to help him write a module outside the scope of his competency
Comments and feedback.
Oxfam and NAFRI
2 weeks
Finalize Training Modules: revised based on feedback, including facilitators and participant guides.
Training Developer, Oxfam and NAFRI
5 days
Final handover of the training modules
Training Developer, Oxfam and NAFRI
Conduct trainings
Training Developer, Oxfam and NAFRI
VTE, LB & SVNK 20 days
- Role of the consultant:
- Identify the right resources for CSA capacity techniques
- Consult and work with the right stakeholders (NAFRI, other competent actors in the CSA sector)
- Consolidate the inputs and make it tailor and relevant for the Lao’s farmers
- Design the training modules
- Provide training in some topics
- The modules will be adapted based on the learnings received from the trainers on the fields after the first training, based on the post training evaluation provided by Oxfam in Laos and by the consultant itself
- Expected deliverables
- Training materials : agenda, work plan, methodology, supporting documents and presentation, facilitation and participants guides
- Provide the training sessions
- Revision of training materials and then report of the trainings
- Profile of the consultant
- A master’s degree in agriculture and environmental and natural resources management
- At least 4 years of experience in designing and implementing capacity building
- Experience in the design of agriculture and/or natural resources trainings in Lao agricultural context
- Ability to conduct trainings, pedagogy and adaptability to local context
- Knowledge about Lao agricultural products markets functioning
Application process
Interested consultants should submit the required documents no later than 28 Mar 2025 in the electronic form to and Please indicate the following reference in the subject line : “Consultant for CSA Training Modules”.
Documents are requested only English. The submission should include the following documents :
- A letter of interest
- Technical proposal for the training module with proposed design, proposed methodologies, budget and timeframe.
- Organizational profile with track records, References to previous similar assignments, and team composition with CVs
Nb : At the contracting stage, the selected consultant will be required to comply with all professional, tax, and social obligations.
Clarification on the Terms of Reference for Consultancy
The prospective applicants may solicit clarification of the Terms of References or other quarries related to the assignment to , within 7 days of issuance of ToRs in writing. The clarification and its replies will be shared with all prospective applicants through their official email