Shanti Volunteer Association

Mission Statement
Mission Statement
Our MissionWe aspire to build a society in which the people of the world are able to live together and learntogether in peace (shanti), respecting human dignity and diversity.Our VisionWe seek to become an NGO that works alongside individuals, and empowers them to think criticallyand creatively in finding solutions for both personal and societal issues/problems.Our Values1. To share the pain, sorrows and joys of those we serve by walking alongside them and movingforward, hand in hand.2. To respect each region’s traditional cultures, peoples, religions, and languages/dialects.3. To embrace “development” directed and sustained by the local community.4. To act as a catalyst for social development and interconnection.
Program Description
Programme Description
SVA aims to enable children and youth to have opportunity, capability and pride to select their future by themselves by creating appropriate educational environments for children who are future custodians of our societies. The target is children, youth and concerning adults in the target area, and the Lao counterparts are Ministry of Education and Sports, Ministry of Information and Culture, and National Library. SVA has been active in Lao since 1992. The expected outcomes are increased opportunity of reading and participation to society of children and youth, and increased quality of primary education. SVA has implemented various projects related to education and culture field such as belows.
- Distribution of mimeograph to public schoos and traing the usage to the teachers
- Construction of provincial public library buildings and training to librarians
- Support to children’s home for culture and education
- Mobile library activities to the primary schools where there is no library
- Publication and distribution of picture books
- Construction of primary school buildings
- improvement of multi-grade class management through development of teaching materilas and taining to school teachers.
Contact Details
Contact Person:
Chansamone THAMMAVONGCountry Director:
Takashi KASEAddress:
Naxangweuy Village, Luangprabang City, Lao PDR P.O Box 945(LPQ),Address (secondary):
Naxay village Saysettha district Vientiane Municipality P.O Box 4561 (VTE)Phone:
+856 (071) 253738 (LPQ), (021) 454946 (VTE)Email:
svalaos@svalaos.orgWebsite: Info
Number of Staff
10 - 20
Average Annual Budget
In Lao PDR Since
Country of Origin
Main Programs
Improvement of Multi-Grade class management
Start: 01/06/2014 - End: 30/06/2022
In Northern part of Laos, the rate of multi-grade classes where one teacher teach 2 grades or 3 grades in one classroom is over 30 percent. ...
Mobile Library
Start: 01/01/2005 - End: 31/12/2021
Children do not have chances to read because there are no libraries or reading corners in schools in remote area. Therefore, we have conducted ...