Mission Statement

SNV is a mission-driven global development partner working in more than 20 countries across Africa and Asia. Building on 60 years of experience and grounded in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, we work on the core themes of gender equality and social inclusion, climate adaptation and mitigation, and strong institutions and effective governance. Together with our team of over 1,600 people, our mission is to strengthen capacities and catalyse partnerships that transform the agri-food, energy, and water systems, which enable sustainable and more equitable lives for all

Program Description

SNV is a mission-driven global development partner working across Africa and Asia. Our mission is to strengthen capacities and catalyse partnerships that transform the agri-food, energy, and water systems, which enable sustainable and more equitable lives for all

Contact Details

Contact Person:
Anna Mutta
Country Director:
Anna Mutta
Ban Sapanthong Tai
Sissatanak District
Address (secondary):
Parkstraat 83,
2514 JG Den Haag,
+856 (0) 21413 290/91

General Info

Number of Staff

20 - 50

In Lao PDR Since


Country of Origin


Main Programs

Enhancing Nutrition of Upland Farming Families Phase II (ENUFF II)

Start: 01/06/2020 - End: 30/06/2024

The Enhancing Nutrition of Upland Farming Families (ENUFF) Project is funded by SDC - the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and implemented by SNV - The Netherlands Development Organisation. The second phase of ENUFF started in June 2020 and will run well into 2024. ENUFF contributes to realising the goals of the Lao national Multi-sectoral Food and Nutrition Security Action Plan (MSFNSAP). ENUFF aims to improve family nutrition in remote and ethnically diverse upland farming communities in Oudomxai and Houaphan provinces. It promotes a convergent approach that combines several activities. Nutrition-sensitive farming will enhance the production of a diversity of crops and lead to the increased access of nutritious food. Behavioral change communication will improve feeding, caregiving and dietary practices in particular of women in the reproductive age, children and lactating mothers. Support to the construction and use of latrines at household level and improved water supply systems for villages, schools and health centres will lead to a reduction of sanitation and hygiene related diseases. And finally SNV staff will work closely with the Government of Lao (ministries of Health, Agriculture, Education and the Lao Women Union) alongside the communities to sustain the project outcomes and remove the obstacles for a more conducive policy and institutional framework for improving nutrition. Phase II of ENUFF aims to increase the nutritional status of 6,000 families.

Facebook page:

Website: Link | File:

Agriculture Value Chain Facility (AVCF)

Start: 01/12/2019 - End: 01/05/2023

The Agriculture Value Chain Facility (AVCF) is a matching grant facility for agribusinesses under the Lao PDR Agriculture Competitiveness Project (LACP), financed by the World Bank and implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) in partnership with SNV Netherlands Development Organisation. AVCF provides free technical assistance to agribusinesses, supports the preparation and appraisal of their business proposals, provides matching grants for upgrading post-harvest handling and processing facilities. The financial support can also be used for improving the management capacity to enhance product quality, increase operational efficiency, reduce physical losses and link with farmer groups to improve the marketing of farm products. Targeted Agribusinesses are rice millers, maize millers, and horticulture processors or traders who are registered in Lao PDR and operating in Khammouane, Bolikhamxay, Xayaboury, Vientiane Province and Vientiane Capital.

Brochure links:
• English:
• Lao:

EnDev III Improved Cook Stove (ICS)

Start: 01/01/2013 - End: 31/12/2024

SNV’s Improved Cook Stove (ICS) project is a program financially supported by EnDev and implemented in close collaboration with the Association of Rural Mobilisation and Improvement (ARMI)- a Lao not-for-profit organization. The project started in 2013 and is expected to end in 2024. The project is designed to stimulate the use of high quality energy efficient cookstoves (Tier-2). In the coming years the local production and distribution of stoves into all provinces in Laos and thus provide national coverage. Soon SNV will also start the introduction of bigger stoves for institutional and commercial users and on top of that start creating a market for even more efficient (tier-3+) cookstoves and associated fuel sources (biomass pellets). The project maintains flexibility in design and selection while aiming at long term transition to higher tier cookstoves that require less fuel, produce less smoke (=less indoor pollution) and exhaust less greenhouse gasses. Till the end of December 2020, the project has been successful in promoting the production and sales of more than 38,000 ICS operating with fuelwood and almost 130.000 ICS operating with charcoal. These numbers are expected to grow substantially in the coming years.


Website: Link | File:

Beyond the Finish Line – Sustainable Sanitation and Hygiene for All (SSH4A)

Start: 01/01/2018 - End: 31/12/2022

Beyond the Finish Line – Sustainable Sanitation and Hygiene for All (SSH4A) project is funded by the Australian government (DFAT) for the period of four years (2018 – 2022) and implemented by SNV (Netherlands Development Organisation) in close collaboration between the Ministry of Health, CBM Australia and the Institute of Sustainable Futures of the University of Technology (UTS -ISF) in Sydney. The project aims to improve health, gender equality and social inclusion, and wellbeing of 200,000 people in three districts (Atsaphone, Champhone and Phalanxay) of Savannakhet Province in Lao PDR, by 2022 by equitably increasing access and use of safe sanitation and hygiene, for all. The project strengthens capacities of the provincial government, the three districts and the private sector in planning, budgeting, implementation, steering and monitoring of sanitation and hygiene services with a strong focus on mainstreaming Gender Equality and Social Inclusion into the project activities.


Website: Link | File:

SNV Laos
Apply by: February 12, 2025
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