Service Fraternel d'Entraide

Mission Statement

The Service Fraternel d’Entraide is a French NGO which has been implementing rural development and health projects in Laos since 1998. Our commitment is for the long term, our representatives are qualified professionals who learn the language and culture so as to be close to the Laotians in order to respond better to the issues encountered.Our Vision : Our dream is that every Laotian may live in good health and develop his full potential amid his community.Our Mission : Reinforce healthcare and improve the life conditions of the rural Laotian communities.Our Approach is :
  • Holistic – the individual is at the centre of our projects as he has the potential to change his community. All the aspects of his life are taken into account and situations are dealt with as a whole.
  • Participatory – the needs expressed are transformed into collective action, with the support of our teams.
  • Sustainable – transmitting knowledge impacts a whole life and the life of others. That is why we invest in key people capable of acting and motivating their community.
  • Professional – qualification leads to progress more rapidly. Through lifelong learning programs or access to qualifying trainings, we reinforce local competencies for an impact on the whole society.
  • Local – side by side, we learn from each other and build together with trust and mutual aid

Program Description

Quality Health Services : Our support in health is focused in two provincial hospitals, Xekong and Salavan, 3 district hospitals and 8 Health Centres. Staff from these health facilities being supported will receive on-the-job trainings local and international health experts comprising of 1 doctor and 2 midwifes. Furthermore, material support will also be provided which will help these facilities to improve the services being offered to the population and improve coordination between the different levels of the health hierarchy. Both projects are due to end and would be renewed for a further 3-year period. A new project is to be initiated in Attapeu in 2020. The School of Nursing in Attapeu has requested SFE to support them in strengthening the quality of their services to the national accreditation standard (better teaching, suitable facilities, improved management). This project would be implemented in coordination with the management team of the school which receives support from the health authorities at provincial and national levels. It will involve a team of 4 national staff and 2 international nurses.Healthy Communities : Sixteen villages from Xekong and Salavan provinces will benefit from the community development projects of SFE. The communities will be engaged in the development activities of their villages, will be taught to identify their assets and needs, and draft their development plans for areas such as agriculture, water and sanitation, basic health and education etc. This will be done with the support of our national team and 3 internationals (nurse, agriculture specialist and project administrator). A multi-year collaboration with an organization, TerraClear, has led to a collaborative joint project in 2020. TerraClear produces and sells low-cost ceramic water filters to rural communities which are offered on a 6 month installment payment basis. Whilst most could afford these filters, the poorest cannot afford them. This partnership between SFE and TerraClear facilitates TerraClear to identify 10,000 poorest families and provide them a voucher to buy a highly subsidized filter and also provide them training on safe water and sanitation including hand washing. SFE will engage 1 international development expert for this project.Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities : As previously identified in the Annual Review of 2019, social inclusion of people with disabilities (PWD) is a focus area that SFE would be engaged. In Attapeu, training will be provided to the District Office of Social Welfare to identify and assess the needs of PWDs. They will then be linked to supporting structures such as rehabilitation centres, vocational training schools and organizations of people with disabilities (OPD). Through this initiative, communities will be empowered for improved social inclusion of PWDs. SFE is also honoured to be partnering with one of the few mental health specialists in the country, Dr Chantharavady who will train medical staff at village and district levels to detect and treat people with psychosocial issues. Through this project, training will be provided to affected patients on income generating activities.

Contact Details

Contact Person:
Colin Dudgeon
Country Representative:
Colin Dudgeon
147/8 Ban Phonsavanh Tai, Sisattanak District, Vientiane
PO Box 5211, Vientiane
(021) 315 398

General Info

Number of Staff

20 - 50

Main Programs

Strengthening Health Care in Sekong Province

Start: 01/02/2021 - End: 31/01/2024

This project is part of the health planning framework of Laos and responds to the needs of the health strategy of the province of Sekong. It integrates a main axis of medical training in hospitals and health centers and technical assistance in the water-sanitation field for 5 villages. Based on the skills of the health professionals already trained in the previous phases, its objectives are to :
- Improving reproductive, maternal, neonatal, child and adolescent health services in the province’s hospitals.
- Improving knowledge and capacity for infectious and chronic disease management
- Improvement of the infection control system and equipment management in hospitals
- Improving access to health services for people with disabilities
- Improving the quality of care provided in health centers
- Improving primary health, water, sanitation and hygiene practices by villagers

Website: Link | File:

Attapeu Nursing School Project

Start: 01/07/2021 - End: 30/06/2024

Support to the Attapeu Nursing Training Institute:
for a quality education accredited by the Ministry of Education.
This project aims to improve health services by strengthening the quality of the provincial education system.

The Objectives :
- Improve the quality of teaching and the management of the training institute
- Obtain national accreditation of the nursing education institute
Improving access to quality education through equal recruitment
- Improving access to quality education through equal recruitment

Website: Link | File:

Health Education Project in Salavan

Start: 01/04/2021 - End: 31/03/2024

Main objective:
- Improve the health, nutrition and wellbeing of inhabitants of Salavan Province
- Capacity building of health professionals working in the maternal and child sectors to ensure that women have access to quality maternity care and that newborns receive essential neonatal care.
- The development of chronic disease services at the provincial and district hospital levels.
- Improving the nutritional status of villagers, especially children and adolescents, in partner villages through targeted agricultural activities and nutrition education.
- Improving the health conditions of villagers through the provision of safe drinking water, toilets and training on hygiene, health and risk management.

Website: Link | File:

Mental Health in Vientiane Province

Start: 01/01/2021 - End: 31/12/2023

Main objective:
- Build capacities of the stakeholders of mental health in Laos, improve medical care for people with mental illnesses and create opportunities for people having mental illness.
Main activities:
- Make psychotropic drugs accessible to trained doctors
- Train medical teams in districts and health centers about mental health
- Train communities, families and people taking care of people with mental illness. Train people with mental illness about agriculture, income generating activities, or help them to access school or professional training
- Collect data on mental health in Laos

Attapeu Disability Inclusion Project

Start: 01/10/2021 - End: 30/09/2024

Main objective: Contribute to reduce inequalities in Attapeu Province by empowering people with disabilities and promoting their social, economic and political integration.
Objectives :
-Identify people with disabilities throughout Attapeu province
-Strengthen local stakeholders to support people with disabilities (LDPA, TVET, LSW, etc)
-Support people with disabilities to improve their daily functioning, overall well-being, and environments.

Website: Link | File:

Attapeu Covid-19 Emergency Response

Start: 01/11/2020 - End: 31/10/2021

Main objective:
- Strengthening the preparedness of Attapeu province towards the pandemics
- Providing essential training of healthcare staff
- Equipping the health care facilities for it’s readiness for proper patient management
- Promote community awareness activities in villages,
- Establish reliable coordination between the PHD and the different stakeholders (local and national level).

Website: Link | File:

TerraCare Project

Start: 01/10/2020 - End: 30/09/2023

Main objective:
Help "ensure universal and equitable access to safe drinking water at an affordable cost" in the 4 provinces of southern Laos, by permanently reducing the consumption of untreated water.

Expected Results:
- Make ceramic water filters affordable to the poorest with subsidised vouchers.
- Train client families about sanitation and hygiene by individual or small group trainings in their house.

Website: Link | File:

Vocational training for handspeakers

Start: 05/02/2021 - End:

Main objective:
- Provide vocational training to young deaf people in restauration
Main activities:
- Train trainers about professional inclusion of deaf people
- Find employers ready to employ deaf people
- Contribute to public awareness about inclusion of deaf people in society by promoting the learning of Lao sign Language

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