People In Need

Mission Statement

People in Need was established in 1992 by a group of Czech war correspondents who were no longer satisfied with merely relaying information about ongoing conflicts and began sending out aid. It gradually became established as a professional humanitarian organisation striving to provide aid in troubled regions and support adherence to human rights around the world.Throughout the 30 years of our existence, we have become one of the biggest non-profit organisations in Central Europe. In addition to humanitarian aid and human rights, we also work in education and help people living in social exclusion.We are part of Alliance2015, a strategic network of seven European non-governmental organisations engaged in humanitarian aid and development projects. This collaboration increases effectiveness, both in working in the target countries and in campaigns aimed at influencing the attitudes of politicians and the general public in Europe.We are also part of NeoN, a group of more than 20 organisations and networks representing over 600 NGOs. Together, we negotiate cooperation with the state administration at the level of the Office of the Government, ministries, and parliament.

Program Description

Following a pilot project in 2023-2024 we are looking forward to scaling up and implementing, in close coordination with DMH/MoNRE, a national-wide Early Warning System for floods and other disasters mitigation. The system comprehend sensors but also an innovative dissemination mechanism.

Contact Details

Contact Person:
Mr. Khamphouva Thepsyda
Country Director for Cambodia and Lao:
M. Bouchane Aaron Evan
(temporary address)
Lab de Lines - Coworking Space
Donnokkoum Rd., Vientiane, Laos
+856 20 52 242 244
+856 2028381021

General Info

Number of Staff

1 - 5
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