Cord Laos
Mission Statement
Cord is an international organisation with Heaquarters in the United Kingdom, working to build lasting peace in partnership with people living and working in conflict, or post-conflict situations. We believe these people hold the keys to peace and we work alongside them to make lasting peace a reality.
Program Description
Cord build capacity of local civil society organisations, community groups and of any other kind to help them to become more resilient and sustainable.
Contact Details
Contact Person:
Kinnaly Sounthongdeng ( Representive:
Theresa Sayavong (
Phonthan Village, Saysettha District, Vientiane Capital, Lao PDRGeneral Info
Number of Staff
10 - 20
Average Annual Budget
In Lao PDR Since
Country of Origin
United Kingdom
Main Programs
Capacity Development and Networking to Enhance Civil Society in Lao PDR
Start: 01/07/2017 - End: 30/06/2021
Connect Project
Website: Link | File: