Caritas Luxembourg in Lao PDR

Mission Statement

The main objective of Caritas Luxembourg in Lao PDR is to contribute to poverty reduction. This is achieved through a holistic approach with income diversification, increased resilience to disasters, promotion of good health and nutrition practices, strengthened governance systems, and development of adapted infrastructure.

Program Description

Caritas Luxembourg in Lao PDR is currently implementing two main projects. One of those is  the project on Strengthening Livelihood Systems (SLS), which focuses on increasing human asset and contributing to food security. The other project is on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and aims at reducing the population’s vulnerability to natural disasters, with an emphasis on those driven by climate change. Additionally, the project is designed to strengthen the prevention and response systems to those disasters.Caritas is also currently planning two upcoming projects. The purpose of one of these is to provide emergency assistance and recovery to households affected by flooding and drought. The second of these, called ICP V, will be part of a broader framework coordinated by LuxDev, the Luxembourgish development agency. It will build on Caritas’ experience in DRR, and health and nutrition.The main donor of Caritas is currently the Luxembourgish government. Likely donors for the upcoming projects may include LuxDev, the European Union, and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. Caritas works closely with public authorities at national and local levels. The latter act, among others, as implementing partners for Caritas along with Local Civil Society Organizations (LCSOs). Caritas has also good experience on cooperating with other INGOs.

Contact Details

Contact Person:
Thitsady Khehasathan (Mrs)
Country Director:
Khamsing Namsavanh (Mr)
Ban Sisangvone, Xaysettha District,
Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR
PO Box: 2079
+865 21 417441

General Info

Number of Staff

20 - 50

Average Annual Budget

1.500.000 EUR

In Lao PDR Since


Country of Origin

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