Clinton Health Access Initiative

Mission Statement

CHAI’s mission is to save lives and reduce the burden of disease in low- and middle-income countries around the world. We aim to strengthen the government and private sector to create and sustain high-quality health systems in the countries where we work.

Program Description

CHAI began partnering with the government of Lao PDR in 2014 to support a reform of the country’s supply chain system, aimed at improving the quality of patient care through better access to medicines, diagnostics, and health products. Begun as a pilot in 2014, the project has reached all provinces nationally, and nearly all 188 central, provincial, and district warehouses and hospitals with real-time stock data for treatments and supplies for HIV, tuberculosis, malaria, reproductive health, and essential medicines. We are supporting the country to reach its goal of malaria elimination by 2025, have helped reduce malaria cases by 80 percent between 2014 and 2017. We are also working to develop the country’s national emergency response capacity to enhance readiness for the next major disease outbreak. CHAI is supporting efforts to achieve lasting epidemic control of HIV and tuberculosis (TB) and introduce and improve access to newer and better medications and diagnostics. And, we are helping the government to lower the high rates of maternal and child mortality through improved access to lifesaving reproductive health tools, emergency obstetric care services, and achieve improved and sustained immunization coverage in the context of diminishing external funding.

Contact Details

Contact Person:
Kailadsamy Maneevong
Country Director:
Garrett Young
Ministry of Health Bureau of Food and Drug Inspection Office
Rue Sethathirat next to Simeuang Temple

General Info

Number of Staff

20 - 50

Average Annual Budget

2 Million USD

In Lao PDR Since


Country of Origin

United States
Clinton Health Access Initiative., Inc (CHAI-Lao PDR)
Vientiane Capital
Apply by: October 20, 2024
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