Mission Statement
ADRA Lao works with people in poverty and distress to create just and positive change through empowering partnerships and responsible action.
Program Description
Building on the strengths of the past with ADRA Lao’s extensive experience over the past 30 years, our program strategy focuses on two primary thematic sectors: health and nutrition; and agriculture and livelihoods. Other areas of expertise and interest include education and tobacco control, while gender, social inclusion, climate change adaptation, and disaster risk reduction and management are cross-cutting across all areas of our work. We aim to strengthen multi-sector-wide initiatives and services through developing and building on our existing effective partnerships with government counterparts, stakeholders and local civil society organizations and collaborating with development partners.
Contact Details
Contact Person:
Koung Kouangbounyalath (Ms)Acting Country Director:
Frank Reimann (Mr)Address:
House 301, Unit 17 Ban SaphangmoreXaysetha District, Vientiane Capital
+856 20 264 611Email:
adminhrofficer@adralaos.orgWebsite: Info
Number of Staff
20 - 50
Average Annual Budget
In Lao PDR Since
Country of Origin
Main Programs
Phoukoud Integrated Climate Resilient Agriculture and Improved Livelihood - PICRAIL
Start: 01/12/2018 - End: 30/11/2022
Agricultural production and income of small food producers in Phoukoud District, Xiengkhouang Province has increased
Website: Link | File:
Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Livelihoods Initiative - SARLI
Start: 01/12/2021 - End: 31/03/2025
Contribute to sustainable and climate-friendly agriculture by strengthening the resilience and livelihoods of farmers through improved institutional and civic capacity in Xiengkhouang and Vientiane provinces in Laos.
Website: Link | File:
Enhanced Nutrition and Health for Upland Phoukhoud - ENHUP
Start: 10/08/2020 - End: 31/03/2023
Improved nutrition and health for at least 11,224 household members in 1964 households, particularly Women of Reproductive Age (WRA) and children under 5 in Phoukoud District Xiengkhoung Province.
Website: Link | File: