Call for Proposals

End of Project Evaluation Consultant

The Pestalozzi Children’s Foundation (PCF) is looking for a consultant or a team to lead an end of project evaluation of 2 similar projects on Improvement of Quality Teaching in Pre-and Primary Schools implemented by Dongkhamxang and Luang Namtha Teacher Training Colleges. Field assessment to be carried out during April to early May 2023.

For more information and interested consultants please contact or submit their CV along with a technical and financial proposal, by 15 February 2023, to: Pestalozzi Children’s Foundation at Vieng Viengvang Tower – 5th Floor, Dongpalan Thong Village, Boulichan Road, Sisattanak District, Vientiane, Lao PDR. Office Phone: +856 20 91 543 785/56222214 or by email to:

Please find attached the Terms of Reference (ToR) for the mission.

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