The Work of INGO Network

iNGO Network Services
The iNGO Network provides services primarily to its members but also serves as the focal point for information on INGOs for example to other development partners and the Government of Lao PDR.
The services include:
- Information collection and dissemination (through e.g. the website, the On-line Resource Library -ORL, weekly e-newsletter and on-line discussion groups). The E-newsletter is sent out via email to the members and includes: news about the Network and its members; calendar of events; agency personnel and address announcements; conférences, meetings, workshops; trainings opportunities…
- Inclusion in the iNGO Network Directory (for members only)
- Ad-hoc thematic and coordination meetings
- Policy discussion forums
- Support to iNGO working groups
- Surveys and needs assessments
- Representation and promotion of the interests of members in appropriate forums
- Staff training and orientation
- Support to Lao civil society
Some of these services are also available to non-members.
Working Groups
Working Groups support the implementation of the iNGO Network’s mission and support members through:
- Sharing research, lessons learnt and sound practices
- Identifying and working on common themes
- Sector coordination
Currently, the following working groups exist under the Network:
Technical services working groups
- Human Resources and Admin
- Finance
Thematic working groups
- Child Protection
- Disability Inclusive Development Working Group
- Education
- Gender Network
- Land Information Working Group
- Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Alliance Laos
The iNGO Network also maintains links with working groups in the following areas:
The iNGO Network Secretariat can provide contact details of all working groups.
Representing INGO community and fostering dialogue
The Network plays an important role in the overall Relationship between between INGOs, Government of Lao PDR, funding agencies and other development partners. It is perceived by these actors as a contact point for international NGOs and their activities. It coordinates international NGO representation for a range of partnerships, official events, consultations and meetings.