Join the INGO Network

The membership is the guiding force of the iNGO Network. There are two types of memberships: full members and associate members. The associate members have no voting rights but may participate in meetings and working groups as observers.
Full membership is open to international non-profit organizations that:
- Contribute to the development of the Lao PDR
- Are registered in their home country as a not-for-profit entity
- Have formal recognition and permission to operate in the Lao PDR
- Are implementing or funding projects, research, or other developmental activities in the Lao PDR
Associate membership is available for iNGOs that are still in a registration process; and international organizations that:
- Work in the spirit of the iNGO Network
- Contribute to the development of the Lao PDR
- Have formal recognition and/or registration in the Lao PDR
If your organization meets the criteria and is interested to join the iNGO Network, please download the membership application form below.