Organizational Structure

iNGO Network Steering Committee
The Steering Committee of eight members ensures that the iNGO Network achieves its overall mission. The Committee reports to the iNGO Network members and represents them when needed. The eight Committee members are elected from member iNGOs and serve a one-year term. The Committee has a rotating chair and meets on a monthly basis.
iNGO Network Secretariat
The Secretariat, under the guidance of the Steering Committee, is staffed by a Coordinator and an Administrative/Finance Officer. They provide day-to-day support to implement the mission of the iNGO Network.
Annual Members Meeting
The Members Meeting is the highest decision making body of the Network. At least two Members Meeting are held annually, one of which is designated as the Annual General Meeting and at which the Annual Work Plan and Budget are approved and the NGO Committee members are elected. The Members Meeting also approves the mission, strategy, policy, procedures and by-laws of the Network. Only members can attend the Members Meeting.