Call for proposal – Construction
- HI
- May 15, 2024
- 11 months ago
AC6 pediatrics room rehabilitation at Center of Medical Center (CMR), VTE.
The Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR) Project known as AC6 is a community-based project that focuses on rehabilitation and education sectors for supporting persons with disabilities to access healthcare treatment, rehabilitation, assistive products, and access to pre-primary and primary schools in the target areas. This project also strengthens the capacity of the associations for intellectual disability and Autism and strengthens the capacity of the Inclusive Education Promotion Center (IEPC), Provincial Department of Education and Sports (PESSs), District Education and Sports Bureau (DESBs), teachers, and school principals of the schools in the target districts.
The CBR project is a 5-year project that will be implemented from 01 January 2023 to 31 December 2027. The CBR project will be implemented in 03 districts, namely Samneua, Houamouang, Viengxay districts of Houaphan Province, and 02 districts, namely Pakse and Bachieng districts of Champasak Province. There will have two associations that will be the partners in supporting the activities implementation at the community level both in Houaphan and Champasak provinces.
One activity of the CBR project under result 02 is to improve the CMR pediatrics rehabilitation division for instance toilets renovation, installing curtains, painting the room walls with art, installing ventilators, air conditioners, and purchasing necessary pediatrics equipment. CMR would like to improve this pediatrics rehabilitation room because the CMR would like to improve accessibility, quality of services and extend the pediatrics rehabilitation services to cover the rehabilitation for intellectual disabilities and autistic patients including practicing and teaching them, and to improve the facilities of the services according to the policy of the Ministry of Health such as 05 good things and 01 satisfaction to avoid seeking healthcare treatment in abroad.
After improving this room, the CMR is expecting to provide pediatrics rehabilitation to cover at least 10 to 15 patients per day. The CMR requests to improve the pediatrics division as the following tasks (detail Annex 1_ Description of renovation work):
➢ Improve the doors and windows
➢ Renovate 01 bathroom in the second floor and 01 bathroom in the exercise room.
➢ Renovate the electricity system in the pediatrics rooms.
➢ Renovate water supply system in the pediatrics rooms.
➢ Attach sun protection film on the Windows of the exercice rooms.
➢ Start date is 10 June 2024 or before.
➢ End date is 30 July 2024.
➢ Schedule and number of mission days to be worked by the company is 45 days.
➢ Place of performance is at CMR, VTE.
The service provider is expected to provide a tentative work plan of tasks mentioned above within 50 days timeframe (refer to Annex 3_ Construction Time table).
5. REPORT/ Monitoring the progress of the work
➢ Monitor and inspect the work progress at site level to see the work progress and provide
➢ Memo of joint monitoring between CMR and HI will be produced for the evidence of the work
1- Experience in similar work or/and larger at least 5 projects.
2- Degree in construction (engineering or architecture).
Interested service providers should submit HI the financial proposal including every cost with detail of the quantity and the brand name or/and origin of the material supply to deliver this assignment and applicable taxes as detailed in Annex 2_ BoQ.
Please note that the final payment is conditional on the reception of the ending warranty by HI.
Interested service providers are allowed to visit the site to do the survey
Proposals from interested construction companies must include the following documents (compulsory documents in English):
1. A formal quotation in which the currency is in USD, the validity of the quotation, payment terms, warranty, sign, and stamp.
2. Filled BoQ (Annex 2)
3. Filled Workplan (Annex 3)
4. A curriculum Vitae of the representative of the company or the construction crew.
5. List of at least 5 projects you have done (Annex 4)
6. Company profile (if any)
Interested service providers are allowed to visit the site or asking for more information of the work before the 24th of May 2024 by e-mail to
Proposals must be submitted no later than 28nd of May 2024 and should submit a hard copy to the HI Office.
Evaluation of proposals will be made by a Selection Committee in two phases:
1. Administrative selection: The committee will first check for completeness of the application and verify that all compulsory items listed above are included. Incomplete applications will not be considered for technical selection.
2. Technical and commercial selection: The best application will be selected based on the quality of the supplied materials, the competitiveness of the financial proposal, the previous experiences of the service provider, warranty, and the delivery lead time.
Only service providers who pass the administrative selection will be considered for the technical assessment. Shortlisted service providers may be invited for an interview/meeting.
HI reserves the right to contact the applicants for additional information or clarification before the final selection by the selection committee. After interview only selected candidate will be contacted.