Consultant for (FPIC process)

SNV Laos


Type of Position:
Contract Duration:
30 days
Type of Organization:
National/International Position:
Application Deadline:
February 12, 2025


 Terms of Reference

Consultant for Free Prior Informed Consent (FPIC process) BLF Project

Location: Attapeu province and Khamouane province, Laos

Start date:  17 February 2025. End Date: 31 March 2025. Estimated Level of Effort: 30 days


SNV is a global development partner operating across Africa and Asia with a focus on poverty reduction, gender equality, climate adaptation, and governance. This initiative is part of the Biodiverse  Livelihoods Fund (BLF), a UK government program aimed at conserving biodiversity and enhancing livelihoods across six critical landscapes. A consortium led by Fauna & Flora International, and including IUCN and SNV, is implementing interventions in the Lower Mekong area including areas in Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam to create improved livelihoods for people living in and around protected areas whilst enhancing biodiversity conservation and increasing climate resilience. In Laos the programme focuses on 3 transboundary areas: Yod Nam Yo national protected area (Xiengvang province), Hin Nam No and Phou-Louang Phou-Kanouk protected areas (Khamouane province) and NamKong-Xexu protection forest (Attapeu province). SNV is responsible for the livelihoods, non-timber forest products (NTFP), and sustainable agriculture components, collaborating closely with AFDC and local government agencies, including DAFO, PAFO, and DOF. The FPIC process will focus on priority areas across 3 villages in Khamouane and 3 villages in Attapeu.

Objective of the assignment:

The consultant will collaborate with the BLF team and experts to co-design the FPIC process, including the establishment of grievance mechanisms. Subsequently the consultant will provide training to the BLF team and stakeholders, equipping them to implement the FPIC process effectively in the villages and test the designed process. The consultant will lead the implementation of FPIC in a number of villages as example and mentor the team in replicating this.

Methodology and Scope:

The consultant is expected to review project reports and relevant literature to gain a thorough understanding of the objectives and interventions of the BLF programme, as well as the roles and interests of the various stakeholders involved. Based on this understanding, the consultant will develop the FPIC methodology, drawing on insights and processes from other ongoing projects in the area, such as the World Bank’s Lao Landscapes & Livelihoods project, GIZ PROFEB, and ensuring alignment with the BLF – FPIC approach designed in Cambodia for consistency. This will involve close collaboration with FPIC specialists from Fauna & Flora.

Following the design phase, the consultant will work with the BLF Lao team to create a comprehensive and accessible presentation of the BLF programme and its interventions. This presentation will be tailored to ensure that rural communities and target groups fully understand the project. The consultant will then train the FPIC implementation team—including SNV/IUCN staff, PAFO/DAFO staff, DOF staff, AFDC, the Lao Women’s Union, and others—in the Lao language, in Vientiane.

Additionally, the consultant will prepare the necessary methods and tools for facilitating FPIC workshops in villages. These workshops will present the project, obtain informed consent, and engage with various target groups in a culturally appropriate manner. Where needed, local indigenous languages will be used, and village translators will be engaged to ensure effective communication. As part of hands-on training and coaching, the consultant will test the process, methods and tools in a number of villages (3) with the team in the villages in and around Hin Na No protected area (including Phou Louang-Phou Kanok) Khammouane province and Namkong-Xexu protection forest – Attapeu province, and accompany the team in doing it themselves and provide guidance/mentoring. After this the team (AFDC/PAFO/DAFO) should complement the remaining villages.

Expected Outputs and Deliverables:

  • Proposed plan & methodology of FPIC process, approved by Fauna & Flora experts, and in line with legal requirements or other policies
  • Training proposal plan (target date 26 & 27 Feb) for approval. The 2 day training, in Lao language, should be highly interactive and make use of presentations, group discussions, role plays etc.
  • Training workshop prepared and implemented.
  • Tools & methods for the FPIC process implementation
  • Design of BLF FPIC communication materials and Grievance mechanisms – consistent and aligned with existing mechanisms
  • FPIC explanation during provincial planning workshops
  • Testing of tools and communication materials in 3 villages.
  • Coaching/tutoring the BLF team in rolling out the FPIC process in 3 villages in Khamouane and 3 villages in Attapeu.
  • Final report on the activity and results
  • Ensuring adherence to inclusion of women’s opinion and voice and other marginalised groups (youth, elderly, disabled, poorest)

Qualifications: The consultant should have extensive experience in FPIC process with indigenous groups, preferably around protected areas. The consultant should be fluent in English and Lao and excellent training, facilitation and reporting skills.

Submission Process: Interested consultants should submit a detailed proposal outlining their qualifications, proposed methodology, and fee via SmartRecruiters: by 12 February 2025

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